Thursday, August 27, 2009

SO CLOSE TO 100!!!!!!!

Today I got on the scale again and lost MORE! My official total pounds lost is 98! Lost, and never to be found again. Something I've done through this whole process of weight loss is to get rid of EVERYTHING that doesn't fit anymore, and committed to not buy anything again that's bigger than what I'm currently wearing. It seems I've been making monthly trips to give away clothes, and that is awesome!
It's been fun to inspire others to get healthy... my sweet wife, Shauna, decided to lose 15 pounds and after less than 2 months, she's lost 16!
This works! Call my personal health coaches TODAY! There's never been a better time to start than now!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Zoom Zoom!!!

This past Saturday I got to realize yet ANOTHER benefit of losing this weight (by the way, I've lost a total of 96 pounds now!!!)... I got to go go-cart racing! There is a weight limit on these carts that 5 months ago I wouldn't have met. So now that I'm getting healthy and losing this weight I'm finding new freedom I didn't have before! Going bungee jumping, going on a zip line, and now go-cart racing!

Thanks Lisa and Jaime (my personal certified health coaches) for helping me get this far!

One other fun story from the weekend... my wife Shauna bought me a new pair of pants because she got such a great deal on them on sale. But I had to take them back to the store for a different pair... because they were TOO BIG! I'm now able to wear pants with a 36" waist! Something I haven't been able to do for over 15 years!

Call Lisa and Jaime when you're ready to begin your own journey of health and weight loss!


Friday, August 21, 2009


I was running a little late this morning. I needed to be at a church in St. John's to speak to a group of kids for their Vacation Bible School that wraps up today. I was trying to find the right thing to wear keeping in mind that I have dinner date with my wife Shauna tonight right after work. This whole thing of my clothes getting TOO BIG is becoming more and more of an issue! LOL! First I couldn't find a shirt small enough to fit, then when I went to put on a nice belt, it was ALSO too big! So it's jeans and a nice button down shirt with nice shoes today instead of the slacks and dressier shirt that I'd hoped for. Just 5 months ago I had a similar problem, but it was going the other way! All my clothes were getting too small! I knew I needed to do something about it, and I did. I got hooked up with Lisa & Jaime Castro who are now my personal certified health coaches! Now I'm 95 pounds lighter since I first met them and I'm so thankful! I'm looking and feeling better than ever!

Ready to start on the road towards health? Ready to fit into the smaller clothes you've hung on to? Call Lisa and Jaime today! Here's their info....


We're here ready to help and support you every step of the way! There's never been a better time to start! Believe it or not, I started my journey a few days before I began a 2-week vacation! It works! Call them today!

Monday, August 17, 2009


At Summer Bash with Francesca Battistelli

Its nice to wear shirts that are just L... not XL or 2XL! LOL 94 pounds and counting! Call Lisa and Jaime today if you'd like to get healthy and lose the excess weight! 503-590-1111

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Back from vacation and I'm here to tell you that EVEN ON VACATION yours truly lost another FIVE POUNDS! That puts my total weight loss at 93 pounds. NINETY-THREE!!! Holy COW! Well, a small cow at any rate. We had a blast on vacation visiting family and friends which means there's always quite a bit of time around food, but there were always healthy choices for us to have. I say "US" because my wife joined me on the journey to optimal health and fitness as well! As she witnessed my success she decided she wanted to lose that final 15 pounds or so. She's already lost 13 of them! It's exciting to journey with her and support and encourage each other.

My certified personal health coaches, Lisa and Jaime Castro, are incredible encouragers. Its like having my personal cheerleading squad every step of the way! You should really have a conversation with them if you have been wanting to slim down and get healthy. They have so much to offer and even after you lose the weight, the support continues! That's one of the reasons so many people KEEP the weight off after losing it. Here's their number... 503-590-1111 Call them today... there's never been a better time to get started! Check their website too...

Last night I started at the right side of my closet and moved right to left removing even MORE clothes that don't fit me anymore. City Team Ministries is about to get another TRUNK FULL of clothes! The best part last night was when I got all the way to the end of the left side of my closet. I found a suit I purchased back in 1990... AND IT FIT! I don't think I've been able to put it on since 1993!!! Not that its much in style anymore, but you should have seen the smile on my face when the pants fit and the jacket buttoned! WOO HOO!!! Thanks Lisa and Jaime!

Stay tuned... when I hit 100 pounds, you'll know it... and there will be a BIG party to celebrate being SMALL! I hope you'll come! Details to come.


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Lovin' V A C A T I O N !

We rolled in to Idaho at 1:30am this morning after a long day of travel, but now there's nothing left to do but play and relax for a good long while! Tonight it's a baseball game with Dad. I've had people ask me already what it was like for my family to see me for the first time after losing all the weight... They were amazed and thrilled for my success. Friday morning before leaving I got on the scale to see that I made it to a total loss of 90 pounds! It was nice to round off that number before heading out! Today Shauna and I were at the store gathing items for a big reunion BBQ party we're throwing tomorrow and we found ourselves walking down the isle where all the dog food is. I picked up a 40 pound bag of dog food realizing that wasn't even quite HALF the weight I've lost... then I passed it to Shauna for her to hold. Her jaw hit the floor feeling 40 pounds in her arms. NO WONDER I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER!
So am I sticking to the plan? Even on VACATION? You better believe it, because it's SO easy to do! Cravings? Sure, I get those from time to time, but I'm focused on the goal... the win... a healthy life and that right now to me is more important than the junk I used to eat!
Are you ready to start your own journey? Call my certified personal health coaches, Jaime and Lisa Castro at 503-590-1111 today! You'll thank me later... and so will those who love you!
More to come... now, back to my vacation! :-)