Friday, August 21, 2009


I was running a little late this morning. I needed to be at a church in St. John's to speak to a group of kids for their Vacation Bible School that wraps up today. I was trying to find the right thing to wear keeping in mind that I have dinner date with my wife Shauna tonight right after work. This whole thing of my clothes getting TOO BIG is becoming more and more of an issue! LOL! First I couldn't find a shirt small enough to fit, then when I went to put on a nice belt, it was ALSO too big! So it's jeans and a nice button down shirt with nice shoes today instead of the slacks and dressier shirt that I'd hoped for. Just 5 months ago I had a similar problem, but it was going the other way! All my clothes were getting too small! I knew I needed to do something about it, and I did. I got hooked up with Lisa & Jaime Castro who are now my personal certified health coaches! Now I'm 95 pounds lighter since I first met them and I'm so thankful! I'm looking and feeling better than ever!

Ready to start on the road towards health? Ready to fit into the smaller clothes you've hung on to? Call Lisa and Jaime today! Here's their info....


We're here ready to help and support you every step of the way! There's never been a better time to start! Believe it or not, I started my journey a few days before I began a 2-week vacation! It works! Call them today!

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