Monday, July 6, 2009


This 4th of July weekend was a FUN one at our house... I hope you had a fantastic celebration as well. We were outside alot of the weekend visiting with friends and having a big 4th of July BBQ. For the last number of years we, along with our neighbors, pull the bbq's from the backyard to the front yard and cook together. Its always a fun time of fun and fellowship! And even while on my weight loss program and being on my road to healthy living I still had alot to eat from the bbq! And when it was all over, I'd lost MORE weight! I'm now officially 75 pounds lighter! YES! And that's just been in the last 3 1/2 months!!! I'm gunna need to steal some pics from my dad's Facebook to show you some shots of me taken a week before I started on this wonderful program. What a DIFFERENCE! Those pics on the way in the coming days... in the meantime, scroll down and go to some of my older posts to see the progress.

Thanks to all of you who have taken the time to call me and write to me. You have been quite the cheerleaders! Many of you have asked for more information and I've enjoyed sharing about the program I'm on and about my certified health coaches, Lisa & Jaime. If you'd like to join me on this journey of health, call me or email me and I'll be happy to share with you... or you can always call my health coaches directly at 503-590-1111. They've also got a great website with more info as well. Check that at when you have a moment.

There's no better time to start than right now! I'm so thankful to God led me to Lisa and Jaime... so is my wife Shauna! Shauna was so excited with my success that she has joined my program so she can lose that stubborn 10-15 pounds that she's wanted to shed.

If I can answer any questions, shoot me an email at or call me directly at 503-652-8104. I'd love to chat with you and have you join me on the journey!


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